Mount Vernon Middle School is outstanding!
Mount Vernon Middle School is a place where students can foster their love of learning and grow their confidence. Our teachers and staff work to develop strong relationships with our students and engage students in a rigorous and meaningful curriculum.
Teachers and staff engage students in learning activities that prepare them to think critically, analyze information, and problem solve. Mount Vernon Middle School encourages student learning in these three areas through a challenging standards based curriculum, our 1:1 technology program, and quality extra curricular programs.
All middle school students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of adventures while attending Mount Vernon Middle School. In addition to core classes, students may participate in band, chorus, or orchestra. Extracurricular activities such as basketball, cross country, football, softball, track, volleyball, and wrestling are available. Students may also choose to become involved in some of the many clubs and activities offered.
Mount Vernon Middle School provides students with a fun, safe, and challenging learning environment that develops the habit of lifelong learning.

Mr. Bob Haugse, Middle School Principal