Mount Vernon
Middle School
Running Club
MONSTERS is not affiliated with the school in any way. It is volunteer organized and we do it for the benefit of the kids. We meet M-W-F at 7:40 am at the track and the middle schoolers run (or walk or some combination of both) a mile. We meet together 26 times and the participants earn points towards prizes at the end of the season. The hope is that this will begin to form a lifetime of healthy habits for those who participate. There will be time at the conclusion of the mile for kids to change clothes and cool down before the school day starts. The cost to participate is $55 and includes a hoodie, a healthy snack on some of the running days and prizes for some of the games. At the conclusion of the running club season, we will be having a drawing for prizes like gift cards, blankets, wireless headphones and gum. Each time a runner completes a mile at running club, their name will be entered into the drawing at the end of the season.
Please call Crystal Eskelsen at 431-0867 or email at with any questions and to register. Runners can bring their registration and money (make checks payable to Crystal Eskelsen) to the first day of running on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 at 7:40 am. Venmo is also an option for registration @Crystal-Eskelsen
MONSTER participant:______________ Grade in school:__
Hoodie Size: (circle one) YS YM YL AS AM AL
Parent or guardian’s name:___________
email address: ____________ Phone Number:__
Emergency contact: _________
I give permission for my child to participate in the Monsters running club and release the running club and its organizers from
any responsibility for any injury that may occur. By signing this I also say that my child is physically able to participate in said
__________________ (parent sign and date)